August 21, 2024
From Michael Kubik, Wheelchair Coordinator:
I'm working with a wheelchair recipient named Tim Adams. He is a US Navy vet who contracted COVID and is now on oxygen. He's really enthusiastic about sharing his story.
From Tim Adams:
August 20, 2024
Since receiving my scooter I have been able to concededly increase my outdoor activities and have been able to keep up with my young nine and 11 years old grandsons. It has been great to be included again. It has been three years since I was able to go to the beach behind my house or go the Bush Gardens with them. Now we go often. I am so happy and feel so much better now. I can't think you enough.

I have also been able to transverse the trail you our archery and gun range where I am teaching the to shoot a bow along with safely handle handguns. I was a shooting range master in the Navy.
Original story June 27, 2024
I am currently on oxygen 24/7 and have been since May 2021. In that year, I was in the ICU for 10 days and barely survived COVID-19, which left my lungs scarred. Because of this, I can’t walk far without my oxygen levels dropping dangerously low, which leads to vertigo and risks asphyxiation. I’m only 59 years old and now rely on scooters when available at stores or locations.
I have submitted a doctor’s letter along with MRI images of my lungs to the DMV and SSI. I served in the U.S. Navy during Desert Storm, but I did not retire, so I do not receive assistance from the VA since this is not a service-related injury. Please feel free to message me for photos and more details.
I have two grandsons whose father is in the U.S. Army and lives nearby. I either use a manual wheelchair to visit them, or I am unable to go. I drive a 2003 SUV with a manual ramp that allows me to transport a scooter. I live in Hampton, VA, and can pick up the scooter anytime that’s convenient for you. I will also be bringing my service dog with me.
I cannot afford to buy another scooter at this time. My need is genuine. I drive a 21-year-old truck.
Thank you for reading my message and considering me as a recipient.

With Bill and Hillary Clinton