Bangladesh September 2024

September 19, 2024

A country in transition

A group of villagers pose with David Schreiber (USA) & Frank Reckerman (Sri Lanka) in front of the newly constructed wall and gate. The sign reads: B UCG Community Center.

There is much unrest and uncertainty amid the protests and frustration of the Bangladesh people. Some students began protesting and claiming bias and unfair education opportunities by the prime minister and her administration. Student protestors were joined by angry mobs who also wanted change in what they perceived as years of government corruption. This led to the Bangladesh Prime Minister resigning her post and fleeing the country. The military assumed leadership of the country but has not been able to control the violent protests that have erupted resulting in buildings being burned and violence in the cities. A radical Muslim group is rising in power and beginning persecution against the Hindu minorities. At this time, many Hindus are fleeing the country and seeking refuge in India. 

This uncertainty has caused much unrest for all citizens. Christians are also uncertain about what rights they may have if the “Opposition Party” is allowed to take over the government. Until some kind of stability and peace is restored in the country, citizens don’t feel safe to leave their homes to resume employment, school, and other daily routines.

Our brethren in Bangladesh are appreciative of our love, support, and prayers during this difficult time. They are presently not a target as they have chosen not to take sides in government politics. Those who vote and have taken a stand against one group over another, have been in fear for their lives as they are a target in the mob violence. The UCG members in one village have tried to live in peace with all who have been living near them. Both Hindus and Muslims know of their care for them as neighbors and friends.

Your donations to LifeNets have given hope and encouragement to members for needed food and supplies during this economic challenge

UCG Bangladesh has dug a well in the village (through funds donated by the Good Works fund) and opened it to all in the village. This is a blessing during the dry season when many wells run dry. Good Works also purchased land in which a tall attractive wall has been built around the well.

Our new initiative in Bangladesh

Once things are more settled in the country, the intention is to construct a community center inside the wall. LifeNets would like to commit to this project and some have come to us with a desire to support this construction. Our goal is to raise $35,000 for this endeavor. Donations can be made to LifeNets International. But, for now this initiative is temporarily on hold until the country and village regain stability.

UCG Bangladesh has dug a well in the village (through funds donated by the Good Works fund) and opened it to all in the village. This is a blessing during the dry season when many wells run dry

UCG member Rita Biswas gets water from the new village well— available for all members of the village to use.