Three Current Blogs from Workers in Malawi!

Currently, in Malawi, we have two married couples who are serving for an extended period of time.At the end of December 2016, Lewis and Lena VanAusdle moved to Lilongwe, Malawi.  He is the pastor the church in LilongweThen, in February, newly-married Brennan and Michala Hilgen also arrived in Malawi and are doing an extended period […]

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Sewing machine

Zione Chiumbuzo In 2005 and 2006 we helped Zione Chiumbuzo  with sewing lessons and a sewing machine. She started her own business and was doing well. Now it was time to upgrade to a new machine as the original had parts that were breaking. She is now married with a young family. Here she is […]

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Grain Distribution in Malawi

  Posted December 29, 2016 Dear Mrs Kubik It is with a smiling face that I am writing this face to let you know that we have successfuly completed ditsribution of the second fertiliser that we purchased ealrier this week. I personally delivered the bags to some members using the LifeNets pickup and those who […]

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