Chipata, Zambia --
We received this report from pastor Major Talama about the dedication of the church building in Chipata, Zambia. Chipata is located close to the Malawi and Mozambique's borders.
LifeNets Australia provided $3100 last December towards the cost of the Chipata church building. The Australians also helped finance the radio program that Filius Jere has been doing on a regular basis. This was covered in a January 2016 United News article. LifeNets Australia has also supported the Situmbeko borehole and pump.
From Zambia pastor Major Talama to Mr. Aaron Dean:
Dear Sir,
The dedication and the official opening of a church building to the Lord in Chipata went on well on the 04th March, 2017. The function was attended by 210 people including Pastor Lewis VanAusdle, his wife Lena, Mr. Brennan Hilgen and his wife Michala all from Malawi. From Mumbwa was Deacon Maxwell Kasakabantu and his wife Joyce, from Lusaka my wife Felicia and our son Muhau. Present also was the land owner Mrs. Margaret Chirwa (Widow) who gave a piece of land to our church. The occasion started with Sabbath service at 10:00 hrs (10 AM) with Mr. Brennan giving a sermonette. The main message was preached by Pastor Lewis VanAusdle. Both messages were highly appreciated.
Photographs below show most everyone assembled in front of new building. Also, the Hilgens, VanAusdles and Talama's.

After services, the building was dedicated to the Lord and subsequently officially opened for church services and other church functions.
We broke for lunch and later came back for the question and answer session. The questions raised were about the Church Doctrine, Baptism and the people from Chiwoko requested for a Church building in their area, Hymnals and also to be visited regularly for Bible Studies and service. They claimed about 21 people observed Sabbath in their area. Chiwoko is an area far away from Chipata that the people cannot be going to Chipata for worship every Sabbath due to long distance.
At the end of the function Pastor Lewis was presented with a pair of Pigeons while the land owner Margaret was presented with Chickens as a way of appreciation for their attendance. Special thanks went to LifeNets President Beverly Kubik for funding the Church Structure though not complete. The locals were also thanked for their labour to build the structure. The land owner was thanked for giving land to the Church.
Lastly, we all dispersed to our place of stay. It was such a happy occasion to have met Lewis and his wife Lena after so many years had passed since they visited Zambia. It was equally nice to have met a young couple of Brennan and Michala for the very first time.
The following morning the guests from Malawi left and we also started off for Lusaka at about 09:00hrs.
Attached are some pictures of the occasion.
God bless you all.
My warm and loving regards.
Major Talama
Photos show inside of church building. Speakers are Brennan Hilgen and Lewis VanAusdle.