Death of Dr. Sam Chilopora on October 26, 2019

            Dr. Sam Chilopora

With great sadness we received the news of the death of Dr. Sam Chilopra of Ntcheu, Malawi on October 26, 2019. He was 90 years old.

Sam Chilopra was a very special person to so many…and very much so to my wife Beverly and me. He was truly a Christian, physician, administrator and great friend to us!

He studied to be a physician in France. His wife Esther who is a nurse and survives him, was trained in London. Both returned to Malawi to serve their very poor country.

I first met Dr. Chilopora and his wife Esther in July 2000 on my first visit to Malawi when LifeNets started building our first clinic in Lilongwe at that time. A short time later we built a clinic for Dr. Chilopora in Balaka.

Bev and I have traveled to Malawi many times and stayed several times at the Chilopora’s home in Ntcheu.

We were at his home on his 81st birthday and you can view this short clip here.

They hosted a LifeNets project where three young adults spent the summer with them and worked at the clinic. You can read this story at

Here’s what I wrote back then:

These three will make a major impact on LifeNets service to interior Malawi. In 2001 we committed ourselves to finance the construction of the Chizeni (meaning "Heal Me") clinic in Balaka. You can follow the trail of some of our work here at   Jennifer Myers teaches "Business 101" in Malawi....more photos with Dr  Chilopora

We have worked together to supply the clinic with medicine, supported an orphan program and much more.  

You can read many more stories and photos at