January 10, 2022
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Report by neighbor Carol-Lynn Hoskin:
I am happy to report a very happy ending to the fire event that destroyed everything this family owned. Due to the covid virus, their two sons had to move back home from Orlando, Florida to Port St Lucie, Florida because school (college) was canceled. As the boys were in a hurry to return the U-Haul truck, the last item was a king-size mattress which they brought through the garage into the kitchen, and quickly leaned it up against the stove and left. The mattress slid against the stove turning on the burners and causing complete damage.
The family had no insurance, having canceled it because of covid and their job hours being reduced two months before the fire.
They did every single thing themselves except for hanging drywall. They came home to my house each night looking like they had just climbed a chimney. They went to scratch and dent, and second hand stores, and completely redid the entire house including all doors and windows. Everything was destroyed including furniture and personal belongings.
They did this in 6 months running on adrenaline. Here are the photos of the finished project and a happy family thanks to the contribution from Lifenets!
The family, Fernando, Elizabeth, and Leonardo wish to thank Victor and Beverly Kubik as well as LifeNets for your contribution.


Receiving $5000 LifeNets check


