Today we received several letters of thanks from our Latin American students for their LifeNets scholastic scholarships. We'd like to share them with you.
Andrea Hoyos
Hello LifeNets,
"I am very grateful to LifeNets for giving me the opportunity to be part of the network of young Christians and university students who benefit from this project. The fact of being away from home, in certain occasions creates uncertainty about the economic aspects of my payments. However, I am aware that God does not forsake me and that thanks to the blessings He gives to his church, and to the group of people who support this great work, I can count on an additional help that allows me to meet my basic needs and expenses that university life generates ".
Andrea Carolina Hoyos Castro, 19 years old
Studying Economy in Bucaramanga

Sergio Galdames Figueroa, Santiago, Chile
My name is Sergio Galdames and I'm a psychology student. God willing, I'm about to finish my career. Studying has meant a number of academic and spiritual challenges. I have been trained to help society. Without a doubt, the financing has not only helped me, but my family that has been supporting me at all times.

Esteban Morales Sanhueza, Valdivia, Chile
Hello LifeNets,
I am Esteban Morales Sanhueza and I live in Valdivia, Chile. I am currently studying my last year of my university career, Civil Engineer. It has been quite an experience to be in college, and the Lifenet's scholarship has helped me a lot in multiple situations.
I want to say thanks for all your help.
Esteban Morales.

Ronaldo Medina Bayona, Cucuta, Colombia
Hello LifeNets!
I'm Ronaldo Medina and I study social communication at the Francisco de Paula Santander University. I want to express my sincere thanks for your kind assistance with the scholarship I receive from you. Even with the hard work of my parents, it is not always enough to cover my needs. Through LifeNets I can cover some expenses of the University, in which I am doing very well in my grades.
I thank God for his beautiful work. Many successes with this program!

Yuri Gómez De Leon, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Dear LifeNets,
My name is Yuri Gómez de León, a student of the Agricultural Engineer, with Orientation in Sustainable Agriculture. I am studying in San Marcos, Guatemala.
I also want to tell you that I'm studying another career, Food Processing Technician, at the Technical Institute of Training and Productivity. As you are aware, these types of careers are practical and requires many raw materials for each learning activity. I want to express my thanks and gratitude for your affection and contribution to my training. In addition, I would like to thank you for the immense help you have offered, not only for that, but also to give me the opportunity to continue my studies and try to achieve my goals.
Thank you very much again and may our Creator bless you,

Romina Quezada Carnaton, Santiago, Chile
I am Romina and am finishing the second year of Publicity at the University. I'm doing well and am satisfied with the career. This area of communication needs a lot of creativity and that's why I like it so much. The scholarship that they give me helps me a lot with my monthly costs.
I'm very grateful to LifeNets.

Yair Moran Martinez, Mexico City, Mexico
Dear LifeNets,
Thanks to God and to you for what you are doing. The aid which I have received has helped finish my studies. I just received my certificate from the Institute of Computer Science and am looking for work to implement what I have learned. So I want to thank you so much for such valuable support and the work you do to help the youth and by stimulating and encouraging us to move forward. May the Eternal bless and provide wisdom and everything you need to continue with this great labor of love.
Thank you,
Yair Moran