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Volunteer Aaron Dean assembling Hyperbaric chamber. Read story about this device that helps people with injuries and certain health conditions.

LifeNets received a donation from the Stars 4H Club in Parker Colorado that we had never heard of. The young people found our work of note and wanted to support it. We were very moved. See more at   

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March 27, 2013

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December 9, 2012

Report on the LifeNets Kenya Goat Project funded by LifeNets Australia. We are so pleased to see people from different continents working together to bring about a higher quality of life. (posted March 9, 2013)
Kids for Cows Update.  We thank children who through LifeNets help children get milk in Brazil, Zambia and Kenya  (updated March 17, 2013)
LifeNets newest orphanage project in western Zambia. Here is Derrick Pringle of Kitwe, Zambia delivering $4000 worth of goods to orphans as well as poor Zambian/Angolan farmers.  We are very happy to be involved in working with these reliable people. (posted February 11, 2013)

Mission Statement


LifeNets is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which develops
programs offering practical assistance that promote the well being
ands self sufficiency of disadvantaged people throughout the world
and, where possible, encourages them to pass on their LifeNets benefit
to others.

Current Stories


LifeNets drills challenging borehole in remote Nalubanda North in
Zambia on July 22, 2012.  Success came after dreaming about it for
12 years!  Will serve up to 500 people in community. Share in our
rejoicing by reading this inspiring report!

How RICH are you?

LifeNets Wheelchair Project stories.  Read about some of the wheelchair matches that have changed people's lives.  

Victor Kubik with Indiana First Lady Judy O'Bannon in Novgorod, Russia open air market. The two sales ladies were from the war-torn Dageston Republic working the bazaar to support their families back home. Read about our October, 1999 trip.

LifeNets work in the Chernobyl area is featured in the April 2006 issue of the Rotarian magazine that goes monthly to 1.3 million Rotarians in 33,000 clubs in over 100 countries. You may also download one of these versions

With the help of Rotary, LifeNets drills borehole in Blantyre, Malawi that provides water for 1500 people.

The story of the LifeNets Izabal Project on the Atlantic side of Guatemala.  Jon and Barbara Brightman from Chicago helped many children with shoes, school supplies and school fees.

Contact with questions or comments about this web site

Copyright © 1999-2013  LifeNets

Last updated August 1, 2013

This short video clip is still being played on Indianapolis PBS TV station WFYI. It is from a Communities Building Communities segment hosted by former Indiana First Lady Judy O'Bannon (right). She speaks about LifeNets and its work. View the clip..... (posted  October 22. 2007)

LifeNets Annual Report 2012 now available online.

On March 19, 2013 we established the Dennis Luker Memorial Foundation in honor of our dear friend Dennis Luker who died on March 14, 2013. Along with his wife LeeAnn they ardently supported LifeNets education projects and we would like to memorialize his life with future education initiatives.

MOMS!  (Mothers Offering Mothers Support) New LifeNets initiative to drill boreholes in African communities to help alleviate endless water transport.  (posted March 14, 2013)

LifeNets finances water tanks for Girl Scout Camp in Davao City, Philippines to provide much needed water capacity for users. See story and photos of the project. (posted March 11, 2013)

LifeNets member Neil Wallis participates in 7000 km road rally driving through 7 countries in Southern Africa, giving LifeNets exposure and giving out hundreds of pairs of shoes to poor people along the way.  Great story!(posted March 1, 2013)

In January 2013 we recorded these three short testimonials from our LifeNets Developing Nations Scholarship Fund students who tell us of their ambitions and progress. They are studying to be a doctor, social worker and school teacher--none of which would have been possible without a a Developing Nations Scholarship grant. Please take a look at the three minute YouTube video above. We thank All of God's Children 501 (c)(3) in Lansing, Michigan that has just provided $4000 towards the Zambia scholarships.