Report of Youth Summer Camp United Church of God, Sakhangyi, Myanmar
LifeNets helped sponsor youth camp in Myanmar, formerly Burma, this spring. Here is a report by Davidson Lay Beh who helped organize this camp.
First of all we thank God for being given us the opportunity to be able to hold this event of summer camp activities. We also thank our Church President Mr Victor Kubik and Mr Aaron Dean for supporting us financially in order to run this events. This is the very first time we are starting as one of the congregations of the United Church of God in Myanmar. We have also experienced some difficulties and challenges from this but we attribute that this is not a big deal. We were also happy to learn the lesson so that we will gain more knowledge and knowing how to better our program in the future. We will be very appreciated to receive the comments or guidance from the headquarters in running our program in the following years. We will try our best to prepare young people, our children to bring them to the state of knowing true God and live according to His will as mentioned in Pro. 22:6.

Campers at Sakhangyi Habour

Campers together with the board displaying the camp.
Number of campers We had 12 youths and children by this time. Four children could not come by this time due to the difficult situation.
Duration of camp Total in 10 days; started from March 30, following by April 1,2,3,4,5, 7,8,9,10. March 31 and April 6 are Holy Days so there were no activities.
Activities Schedule Our activity is four hours a day.
- Bible study ( New Testament ) - 1 hour
- Bible study (Old Testament ) - 1 hour
- Music and hymn/song practicing - 1 hour
- Physical activity - 1 hour
Bible Study
Saw Law Eh, the deacon has conducted the whole program. He has focused mostly the four gospels; what Jesus Christ has done on this earth, His mission, His examples, what He has taught and what He has the Old Testament he taught about our physical parents Adam and Eve, our fathers of old Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and twelve tribes of Israel descendant from Jacob, Moses and Aaron, the miraculous things God has done for His people Israel. He also taught about seven annual Festivals in general.
Music and hymn/song practicing
This is mostly done from the Church hymnal as they still need to practice more hymns. For this I sent them the translated hymns to our native language which will be more convenient to sing.
Physical activity
We do not yet have anything for sports and games so we just have alternative physical activities such as body activity, and sometimes swimming in the river. We did not also have any tour program due to financial limited. For the future we are planning to create kinds of sport and game for physical fitness
We received helps for the following items from LifeNets:
1) 20 T shirts
2) Stationery
3) Fire wood for cooking
4) Rice
5) Food for meals Note: This financial is supported by Mr Victor Kubik, the President of the UCG.
We are dedicated ourselves to do God's work as possible as we can under the guidance and the instruction of the United Church of God as we consider ourselves one of the congregations of its own. Although we are just a tiny, compared to Christianity from our neighbour,our surrounding, we will never forsake the truth, the God of the Bible and His commandments. We appreciate the prayers from the UCG congregations around the world.

This hall is the venue being used for the Feast of Tabernacles last year and will also be used for this year Feast.

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