July 24, 2022
We are happy to provide items to help people in this manner: sewing machines in this case.
Jonathan Litaba expresses gratitude:
On the behalf of Mtendere and Mumbwa United Church of God congregations we greatly thank you our area Ministry for what you do to us, let Godly blessings be upon you.
Recently three sewing machines were procured for Kasumpa and Nalubanda North and were presented and they give thanks to you and the Kubiks.

Here is the original request made through Cherry Pringle:
We the women from Kasumpa and Nalubanda South are hereby requesting if the Church could assist us with 3 sewing machines, so that we can find something to do during this time of climate change. Our names are Mrs Precias Katapya (wife of Willard, from Kasumpa, and am baptised. Mrs Martilda Nchima from Nalubanda South, also baptised. Mrs Lister Ndiya (wife of Jonathan, from Kasumpa – prospective member. She did the course of tailoring and will teach us how to use the machines.
Signed by Willard Katapya on behalf of the women, and Jonathan Litaba on behalf of Mumbwa Church UCG.
Thank you and Regards,
(The total cost of this project was less than $600 and will make a big difference in this community)