Dear President Beverly Kubik,
I write to report that the borehole was sank at Situmbeko on the 24th October, 2019. Water was struck at below 40 meters and sinking went up to 50 meters. An Indian mark II pump was installed. The Situmbeko community were very grateful for the borehole as many people will draw water at a shorter distance than before. Judith Chewe and some members of the church are equally thankful that now they have water closer to where they are molding bricks for the church structure. They used to get water from a distance of about 2 - 3 kilometers away for molding bricks. They showed us the burnt bricks they want to use for building their church structure.
When they start building, pictures will be sent though they will need roofing materials. The measurements of the building is 10m length x 06m width.
Pictures attached hereto.
Major Talama