December 16, 2022
As the war in Ukraine approaches the ten-month point, great weariness and even callousness is setting in in the world. We are tired of hearing about it in the news. Yet, some of the greatest atrocities and massive movements of refugees since World War II are occurring. A large cruel nation is attacking, killing, pillaging, raping and stealing at a scale that we in the civilized world cannot imagine. And don't want to. We can's stand the thought of having us going through what these people enduring. We prefer to focus on safer softer subjects and platitudes that make us feel good.
Right the people are just trying to survive the cold of winter which has not officially even begun on the calendar. Russia has destroyed more than 50% of the electric grid that supports civilian life for the elderly, women and children who are now the victims. Gas as well as water has been cut off. This is a war crime against humanity unfolding before us. We know that justice and deliverance will prevail, but it is so painful to go through it. The Ukrainian people are resilient and not giving up.
Here is another report form our LIfeNets representative in Western Ukraine who are deploying a multipurpose wood survival stove that provides heat and cooks food. Report follows.

December 15, 2022
Greetings Mr. and Mrs. Kubik,
Today I visited the village of Rokosovo, namely the house of prayer where there is a refugee assistance center. It is here that we placed one of the LifeNets baking ovens to bake bread for refugees who come from the occupied territories and from cities affected by the war.
The brothers installed the oven in a large tent that serves as a warehouse of humanitarian aid, where many refugees come every day to receive help.
The stove that LifeNets provided for this volunteer institution is a very valuable thing in this difficult time!
1. People can get free hot bread, and
2. The stove will provide heat to keep people warm during the cold season.
Regarding the power supply crisis.
When asked "how often is the electricity cut off?" People answer "sometimes they turn it on" and it really is so.
In some villages of our district there is no electricity supply for 3 days in a row.
Vladislav Yurishko