July 26, 2024
Family In Need of Wheelchair Accessible Van:
Faith Hoselton is a 12 year-old girl born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida. Because of this, she has been wheelchair-bound her entire life. Faith has had many operations, Traveling has become a bit more difficult as Faith has grown.
Carole (Mom), is the primary caregiver, and has been lifting her in and out of the van since she was born. Frequent trips to the doctor, trips to the store, and any other trips require that she lift Faith out of her wheelchair and place her in the van, then lift the wheelchair and place it in the back of the van. The loading and unloading of Faith and the wheelchair each time is getting harder on Carole each year.
Brian (Dad) was beginning to put money aside for this need, but recently a fire burned down his office and put him out of work. This has left them short of extra money outside the normal budget to purchase an accessible van. A reliable, accessible van would allow Faith to stay in her wheelchair and roll into and out of the van without lifting her and the wheelchair each time. This would save the back of Mom -- especially since she is the one who takes Faith most places.
The Hoselton’s have gone through an inordinate number of hardships, yet have not lost hope and have been an inspiration to so many of us.
We would like to purchase a used modified van with side-entry. Can you help? All donations to LifeNets for this initiative are tax exempt.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Donations can be made by check to
LifeNets Van
5834 Cresswell Lane
Whitestown, IN 46075
Or by PayPal