June 19, 2023
New Borehole in Côte d'Ivoire
LifeNets is financing a deep borehole in rural Côte d'Ivoire on the southern coast of Western Africa. It is a $17,000 project of which LifeNets is providing $15,000. It involves widening a road for access. We received word that water was struck on June 9, 2023 at the 532 foot level.

LifeNets borehole striking water at 532 feet in the Ivory Coast of Africa on June 9, 2023. What a blessing to a village and to the Church.!
Tim Pebworth is managing this project and we are so happy to see its success He exclaimed: "This is such a blessing to the village of Blolé, I can't say how incredible this is for the village and the surrounding area,"
The first phase of the project was to widen the road leading to that section of the village where the borehole was drilled. The borehole drilling was at the height of the dry season before the rains come in early/mid-June.
This will be followed by installing a water tank.
Here is a report from Tim Pebworth on June 9, 2023
Hello Bev,
Things have gone very well for the drilling of the borehole
The final depth of the water table was 162 meters! We drilled right at the end of the dry season and the person in charge noted there was an “upper water table”, not as deep, but he indicated that we needed to the lower water table given his experience. There were crowds around the drilling rig and one of our church members went underneath the geyser even with the white sediment coming up with the water from that depth. He was so excited! They just can’t express the incredible joy at seeing this new water source be available in the village.
They are ready now to construct the water tower, do final water quality testing and set-up everything so that villagers can have daily reliable access to the water.

Widening the for access to the borehole


Success! Water!!
