Report from Vladislav Yurishko
January 13, 2023
Our brothers from Salvation Church in Khust, in Western Ukraine are now on a humanitarian trip in a caravan to help hungry and freezing people in the Kherson region. LifeNets is helping to supply resources for this mission of mercy with wood heating/cooking stoves, food, clothing and more.
Those on the mission are from the Salvation Church in Khust, Ukraine. They include the pastor Ivan Palchey, the head of the congregation, Stanislav Fedoryshyn and deacon Dmitry Fedoryshyn.
Support came from LifeNets and other caring people.
First, they delivered a wood-burning stove to one family to heat the house and cook food, which is a very necessary thing when the country is often blacked out.
Then they delivered a bread baking oven and food to the town of Arbuzynka. There is a rehabilitation center where disadvantaged people (disabled, abandoned and lonely elderly people, alcohol and drug addicts, paralyzed people). This rehabilitation center is located in seven houses. Each house has 10-15 people. All of them are cared for by a faithful family, and they are also helped by those rehabilitants who have recovered and those who are in better physical condition than others. Very friendly atmosphere there.
Then they continued to Kherson region to distribute to the needy those things that we brought earlier by the LifeNets van from Europe, and food.
To date, they have helped people in the following villages:
ะก. Pravdyne (from the village of Pravdyne to the village of Prybuzke, the bridge was blown up, so they took a detour)
Distributed more than 4 tons of food.
Since March 9, there has been no electricity or gas supply in the village of Praidyno. People have been under occupation for 8 months.
Today on January 13, 2023 the brothers went to Mykolaiv to buy a lot of food again, then to Kamyshashi village in the church of Sabbathkeepers whom LifeNets helped to evacuate from Tajikistan to Ukraine in 1996-1997. The brothers also saw the need to leave behind in this church a second oven for baking bread from LifeNets.
There they will pack food packages together with other brothers in the church and will continue to distribute food and baked bread to especially needy people. And in those villages where other organizations deliver where there is almost no help.
We ask for prayer support for our brothers that God protect them, because there are fierce battles nearby. With the onset of frost, the enemy is advancing from different directions.
From V. Kubik: We were able to wire them $5000 more moments ago to buy more food as they head to Mikolayev. These are amazing people working in such dangerous and hostile conditions to save their fellow countrymen!
Leaving Khust and leaving behind the first oven/stove in Arbuzinki, in the Kherson province on the first day.

Day two in the Kherson province

Detour around a blown-up bridge.

In the Kherson province on day three and purchases in Mikolayiv

The Lord is my Shepherd

Sign: "People live here!"