September 19, 2024
LifeNets is also facilitating the building of a school in the Nalubanda area of Zambia, where there are currently no educational facilities for children. The local headman, Maxwell Kasukabantu, a deacon in UCG, and schoolteacher Jonathan Litaba are working to provide education for children who otherwise would not have access to education. We have been working on this school project for three years. It is necessary to build a few cottages for teachers in order for the school to function which is being done as we accelerate the work towards completion.
Special thanks goes out to Derrick Pringle for his overseeing this project. You can see the first story about this project on our Website at
Below are photos of the the school, cottage and bore hole referred to:

Jonathan Litaba reports:
The company that dug the borehole was done in good faith but mounting the pump was not done well and the pump will need to be replaced.
The Teacher's House. The community burned mouldered bricks and constructed one house up to window level. We bought all the materials required for the house to complete it with of course high prices after the first quotation. Mr. Pringle did very well to send us the needed funding which was used to this house which is now completed. All the stages of the house are in what's up sent to Mr Pringle. I am now waiting for the community to bring enough bricks, sand and crushed stones to be ready and start the second phase of the house. The second house shall resume when funds are received I hope before the rainy season commences.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Litaba
September 16, 2024