October 5, 2021
President Beverly Kubik, LifeNets Intl.
I write to report on a LifeNets student Daniel Ngulube who successfully completed his 03 year Pharmacy course at Eden University and graduated with a Diploma.

Daniel was born in a family of Five (05) children and he is the second from the last born. Daniel's parents are underprivileged and were not able to support their children to school hence Daniel being the first and only one to achieve the qualifications among his brothers and sisters. This achievement came as a result of having been offered a 100% scholarship by LifeNets international just like many other children having been given a similar scholarship.
With the new government put in place we hope many professionals will be employed by the government and private sector. In view of the employment opportunity, Daniel and his family's livelihood would improve. I'm also happy that Daniel worked hard in his studies that he completed successfully.
Talking about LifeNets international, I believe that LifeNets does not just help the students and their families but also the government because every nation is responsible for the welfare and education of all its citizens.
On behalf of Daniel, his family, and on my own behalf, I sincerely thank LifeNets President Beverly Kubik, LifeNets International Staff, and all the donors that donate funds for the poor and vulnerable people in poor countries. This work is great and appreciated in every aspect.
May the Almighty God bless you to continue with helping hands.
Nawa Talama major
LifeNets Coordinator