Current Kwanyako hall and congregation

Letter from Paul Moody, senior pastor of West Africa where the beneficiaries of this fundraiser are located:
Greetings ABC Fundraiser Coordinators!
I am grateful for your ongoing desire to help support the needs of our brethren around the world through your fundraising efforts! The outpouring of love and generosity by the Ambassador Bible College and its supporters has been appreciated by so many over the years. Now I thank you for your willingness to support project needs in the West African country of Ghana as well!.
The Kwanyako, Ghana congregation, is a village congregation of approximately 50 members. It currently meets in a primitive structure that has been condemned by the local government. The reason for this condemnation pertains to the high tension power lines that were installed overhead of the structure, thus placing it into the newly established right of way zone, which must be vacated. This has resulted in the need to relocate our congregation to a new meeting location.
"Kwanyako Current Hall" shows the current meeting location with the power lines overhead. It's an open-air structure that gets wet when it rains. In Ghana the rains are often accompanied by winds that carry the rain sideways into the structure, occasionally disrupting the Sabbath service during the rainy season) .
Two years ago ground was broken for a new meeting facility on a piece of bare property that was purchased by UCG-Ghana. The funds for this land came from private donations. The building structure itself is a Good Works project designed to not only give our congregation a place to meet on the Sabbath, but also a location where they can conduct community outreach projects and events that brings benefit to those beyond our congregation.
Finishing this Good Works building project is the focus of my request. Walls for the structure have been erected. Approximately 1/3 of the walled in area will serve as the main meeting structure, with the remaining portion of the compound serving as a secure courtyard for our other activities. The funds donated from this charitable effort will go towards putting the roof on the meeting portion of this structure and providing a weather-tight environment for the church to congregate and carry out their community activities.
Much of the work to erect this structure is being done by hand, by church members from two UCG congregations, Kwanyako and Winneba. Only a minimal portion of the work has been hired out to outside contractors in an effort to minimize costs where possible.
Pictures below: "Kwanyako New Compound" shows the progress that has been made to date, as well as the portion of the structure that is yet to be covered and finished.)

Additionally, the neighboring congregation of Winneba is in need of structural renovations to their meeting hall and compound. They have also been working to make concrete blocks by hand in order to construct small washrooms and a much-needed compound wall. Any additional funds raised by this effort will be used towards helping them further these projects. Many from the Winneba congregation have contributed their personal time and effort to the Kwanyako building project. Thus, it seems fitting that they too would benefit from this fundraiser if the available resources allow.
Thank you for your loving care and generous support in this effort!
We have set a target budget of $5000 to accomplish what is needed at the Kwanyako building project. This will finish the meeting hall portion of the compound sufficient for them to begin holding church services and activities.
This is the main focus of our proposal.
Beyond that project, the Winneba church improvements would be greatly benefitted by up to $5000 as well.
The overall project proposal for both locations totals $10,000. Again the Kwanyako structure is the primary need of the two. Therefore if a $5000 target seems most reasonable, we will rejoice in that blessing, while devoting anything raised beyond that to the Winneba project.
Warm regards,
Paul Moody
Senior Pastor - English Speaking West Africa