Attached is a photo of Nancy Mwanza former Lifenets Scholarship recipient. She is working for Ontech Solutions Limited as a Key Account Manager and she thanks Lifenets Intl for the assistance.

February 10, 2017
Nancy Mwanza was a LifeNets student at the University of Zambia under the school of Humanities and social sciences. She majored in social work where she graduated with a Bachelor of social work degree with credit on 25th January 2017.
Nancy Graduates!Nancy is a daughter of the late Anderson Mwanza who was a long time standing member in the Church of God. She was accepted at the University of Zambia in 2012 and she was offered full Scholarship by LifeNets International for her 4 years programme. Nancy’s father Anderson died during the period she was writing her examinations. She was however, encouraged to be strong and write her examinations.
Attached hereto are the transcript and photos taken during graduation ceremony at the University of Zambia
Major N.F. Talama