Abel Nhlema is Employee of the Month! March 2021
Posted earlier on January 19, 2021
Abel Nhlema is one of our scholarship graduates in Malawi who got a job and kept it during the COVID-19 crisis; however, it is not an easy story, but one of hard work and God's blessing.

Some of the women serving food to Festival attendees

Abel's parents say he has been a good cook even before he started the course
From an earlier announcement:
Abel Nhlema from Blantyre, Malawi, received a scholarship and graduated from the Malawi Institute of Tourism in 2019. Soon after graduation, he was employed by one of the top hotels in Malawi. He noted “without the sponsorship of LifeNets, I would not have realized my dreams… The skills I have acquired will go a long way in my life.” In the midst of COVID-19, the hotel dismissed 85% of its employees and cut the salaries of many others, including Abel’s. Due to the smaller staff, it was not easy taking time off for the 2020 Feast of Tabernacles. However, he was able to negotiate with his employer—and he and three other friends from the hotel ended up catering the Feast of Tabernacles in Blantyre, Malawi! Abel and the other employees worked hard to prepare and serve food during the Feast, while the women, who usually spent much time during the Feast cooking, were able to rest and enjoy the week without worrying about the food preparation.

Children enjoying Festival meal