Paliza Hussein of Blantyre, Malawi earns $30 a month as a security guard. He and his wife Agnes have ten children. They lived in a one room dwelling and slept on a concrete floor that cost them about $5 a month. This is poverty and a story that made a particularly powerful impact on us.
When we heard this story on our April 2016 visit to Malawi we could not help but help them with a better dwelling. But, we also want him to find better work to care for his family. He is able to be drive and does have the opportunity to work as a truck driver. But, he needs certification that would cost him more than a year's earnings. So, we are providing a way for him to take a special driver's training course that will help him get the license needed for this kind of work.
Our LifeNets Assistant Business and Finance Manager Daniel Ringo told us: "you couldn't imagine the joy the father showed when he learned that he could have this kind of training."
We have provided secondary school scholarships for some of their children.

Beverly Kubik with partial Hussein Family. Paliza and Agnes on the right. Taken April 12, 2017 in Blantyre, Malawi