We have just returned from our visit to Zambia where there has been a drought and famine conditions. LifeNets has provided food relief to this area. Lusaka pastor Nawa Talama's wife Felicia writes:
Hello Bev,I'm delighted to receive a message from you after your tour to African countries. I was really thinking of you. It was really a blessing to have you in Lusaka more especially to our brethren who are hit with drought and floods. You did your part to provide food when they were in need of this special staple food for us Zambians. When I'm writing this message everyone in the country is worried because of the high price of mealie meal which is now going at $12 to $15 per 25kgs bag.Our Women's Enrichment Weekend is coming to our enrichment which is coming up in July, 2019 every lady is excited and they can't wait.Felicia