LifeNets likes to feature and recognize those who serve the disadvantaged or who serve the public.
A few months back I met UCG members Ryan and Nissa Hall who have started a non-profit called The Leagues of Protectors. They have made this a family project, one that helps the environment.
Their website is and they can be found on Facebook at
Ryan has also written a few books that can be found at
In their own words, the family describes their mission from their website:
It's quite simple, we are a small family doing our part to change the world. Our goal is to provide increased family community stewardship opportunities. Armed with a passion to protect our coastal resources, we were determined to make a difference in our natural world. Starting small, we began with just the five of us picking up litter on the roads and beaches of Jekyll Island.
We quickly discovered that Education is the key to change and is the language that fuels the change our environment desperately needs. Just as those who shared their knowledge with us, we too are eager to share what we have learned. We continue to take advantage of any opportunity to learn and The more we learn, the more we are driven to share.
As the project began to pick up speed, we found it overwhelming to tackle alone. We soon understood the value of reaching out to locals and professionals for advice & help. We desired to remain neutral when it comes to politics and have no political affiliations, however, we were eager to partner and work alongside anyone who desired to protect our wonderful environment. Little did we know the response would lead to a family of community volunteers that we would welcome us with open arms. We are proud to become a part of such a wonderful group of people.Thanks to the partnerships with these like-minded organizations and volunteers, our adventure has become successful. Over the past two years our lives have been very exciting and we have been recognized with many awards, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful- Environmental Stewards of the Year, Keep Georgia Beautiful- Litter Prevention, Rivers Alive - Club of the Year, Keep Brantley beautiful and Litter free - recognition of efforts to protect waterways and coatal resources, and One Hundred Miles - Top 100 - Next Generation.
We never started this project to win awards. To be honest, we never knew that awards were given for performing the duty of tending and keeping our wonderful planet earth. Although we are very grateful for the recognition, Following the instructions found in Genesis 2:15 has been our goal and the honor of fulfilling this duty has been rewarding enough.
Six AWESOME volunteers from United Church of God observing Feast of Tabernacles on Jekyll Island, The League of Protectors and Gulfstream joined the two KGIB staffers to remove litter from marsh wrack left by hurricane Irma in Brunswick's Overlook Park and along nearby highway 17 salt marsh. The removed mud encrusted hard plastics will be shipped to TerraCycle for recycling. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS - making a difference!