Report on Linnie the Ox from May 2019
This is a report on replacement of a young ox in Chipata, Zambia. The first ox died of a snake bite. Bev and I learned about it on our April 2019 visit to Chipata. We made is part of our Kids for Cows program, even though Linnie was NOT a cow. The earlier part of our program is described in We thank ALL who have supported these vital needs in Zambia.
Here is the report via emails...
To Kathy Shafer (sponsor)
Subject: Linnie the oxen
Here is the response from Filius Jere in Chipata, Zambia regarding the funds for the cow. I changed from cow to oxen, please let the children know that this ox will be pulling a plow and helping with the production of food to feed the children in Chipata along with their families. Oxen are extremely valuable as the families live off the land and being able to plant more seed means more food for the families. Without oxen the land must be dug by hand.
The following came from Filius Jere,
It's wonderful that young children can be so kind. Please convey our gratitude to them and assure them that $300 is enough to buy one ox to replace the one that died, and his name will surely be Linnie. We shall send a photo of him and buy veterinary drugs to ensure good health.
We are also delighted that our Australian brethren will fund the three boreholes. Next week we shall visit Chief Madzimawe again to secure his consent about the borehole site. We shall also do the same for Chiwoko and Ngilile. The traditional chiefs always want to be appraised. Then I must travel to Lusaka to discuss logistics with the Lusaka driller.
Kathy Shafer
From: Filius Jere <>
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 11:28 AM
Subject: Linnie / Kids for Cows Project
Dear children,
We decided to get a three-year old heifer in Petauke.
The vet advised she shouldn't move to Chipata yet because of the outbreak of bovine diseases.
Hopefully, she may produce a calf in two years' time.