Here is a message of appreciation from Janet Anyango for the loan provided her to obtain a Singer embroidery machine. One photo shows her with her daughter Rene, named after Dan Apartian's late wife. This loan will allow her to have a larger apartment and school fees for her children. They are doing very well. The oldest boy is starting Form 4 (grade 12). This can help her start finding a way to cover some of those expenses.
- John Elliott
From Janet Anyango:
Hello once again, Am glad to say hi this afternoon I know it has been a busy week on your side but hope everything is OK. I would like to say a big thank you to LifeNets for considering my case and buying me a new sewing machine. Those are some of the pictures of my new machine inside the shop I work. I am very happy to have my children with me in peace. I shall now look for a two bed roomed house so that we may all fit in (after the business has picked up). Thank you very much be blessed all.Janet