May 2, 2022
Good afternoon, Mr. Kubik. Sorry to write to you. A lot of work has been done. Last Sunday we delivered more food to the villages. I'm sending you a photo to show what we have done.
Today we received the food bags with the LifeNets and the church's logos. We have already packed 380 food bags.
We distributed them in the village of Lipcha (468 Internally Displaced Persons, (abbreviated - IDPs and the village of Lipetska Polyana are registered here. We are still waiting for the lists of IDPs.
In these villages, there are people who have been evacuated from dangerous areas and some have left their homes on their own due to Russian shelling. Almost all humanitarian aid that is coming in from the West is sent to the east of Ukraine, so the refugees in the villages and towns of Transcarpathia are very grateful for the food kits from LifeNets. Here are more photos from the last charity event.