April 10, 2024
People continually ask us, “How can we help? “ Are there any projects that you are working on or would like to work on? Sometimes, it’s an individual asking this; other times it could be a church or club.
Are you or your group or church interested in supporting a viable, useful, beneficial project?
If you are asking those questions, we have a project that you can help us with right now! There is a need for a community borehole in Togo to be located on UCG Church property. This request has comes from Senior Pastor Tim Pebworth who oversees Togo in West Africa,
One of the most effective and beneficial projects that LifeNets has done year by year are the drilling of boreholes (water wells) for people in areas where water has be carried sometimes for miles daily home use.
We have installed many boreholes in Zambia, Malawi and now in West Africa.

Existing non-functioning borehole

Site for the proposed borehole on UCG property
So, from Tim Pebworth:
We have a need for a borehole in Togo in the village of Momé Hagou. We seek LifeNets funding to support drilling a new borehole and installing a water pump on the United Church of God property in Momé Hagou, Togo. There is an existing borehole which was drilled in 2017 which no longer functions . There is also water tank of 1,500 liters that will continue to be used. The geophysical survey has already been completed. Given the end of the dry season, we would like to proceed with drilling the borehole in April or May if possible.
This project will provide water to the United Church of God compound as well as for neighboring properties. The United Church of God compound is used each Saturday as well as during the annual Holy Days of the church. The compound is used for the Feast of Tabernacles for eight days, as well as for other church-related events such as youth camp and leadership conferences. The borehole/water tank will reside on the property of the United Church of God
This will be the only borehole in the village and for many miles in the surrounding area. It will make a significant difference in the lives of the people in the village who currently have to walk long distances for water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. The borehole and tank would be located on the United Church of God compound, where it would be overseen and maintained and made available to anyone in the village needing water.
The total cost of this project is $5700. A donor has stepped up to pledge for half the amount. Can you please help us out with the remainder $2850? Please send your donation and mark it TOGO.
Please send your tax-exempt donation to
LifeNets International - Togo
5834 Cresswell Ln.
Whitestown, IN 46705
You can also make your donation through PayPal on the home page www.lifenets.org
– Togo (Église de Dieu Unie - Togo) and will be maintained by the church.
Benefits to community:
The village of Momé Hagou is located northeast of the capital city of Lomé. There are no boreholes in the area and people rely on a community well for drinking, bathing and washing. It is a 10-minute walk from the compound (see photo below). There is a second well across the road, but much further south.