Hoosiers for Honduras
effort gearing up for
first delivery December 22

Joan Osborn wrote the account below....much of what appreared in the December 16, 1998 Greencastle, Indiana Banner Graphic.

On December 8th a coalition of concerned citizens met to solidify the Honduran Relief effort begun by local businessmen Darrell Toney and Art Evans.  Dubbing their effort HOOSIERS FOR HONDURAS,  the group which
also included a medical doctor, and two ministers, shared their knowledge and ideas for the project. The group plans to send several 40 ft. containers of food, clothing and medicine over the next year to Honduras.

Hurricane Mitch which swept over Honduras in October caused more than 2 million people in a country of approximately 5 million to lose all or part of their homes.  Mudslides and flooding devastated the country and
killed over 6000 people.

People in Honduras are working together to help one another. Outside aid is coming into the country via the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and various church organizations.  But it will be a year before food supplies begin to normalize since most of this year's crops were destroyed.

An article which appeared in an earlier BANNER GRAPHIC has generated interest and money toward Honduran relief.  A sixth grade class from an Indianapolis school raised and sent over $600 to Art Evans who owns Magic Circle Corp. near Fillmore.  Evans pointed out to the assembled group that this was not one of the more well to do neighborhood's in the city.  "We are going to take pictures of the trailers being loaded and send them to donors," said Evans.  

Rice, beans, and corn (for making tortillas) are the main staples needed by the Hondurans. Powdered milk is also needed. The group is able to purchase these items for approximately the following prices.

2,400 pounds of rice =  $650.00
2,500 pound of beans =  $780.00
3,240 pounds of powdered milk = $1,330.00
3,000 pounds of corn = $100.00

United Church of God Pastor, Victor Kubik, mentioned that he had established connections for buying medicines through his other outreach efforts.  He offered "tap into" those connections for the Honduras relief effort and purchase over the counter and prescription medication for as little as 6% of retail value.  That would mean that a donation of only $60 could purchase as much as $1000 worth of medicine for the relief effort.

Several area farmers have donated corn already.  It will be sacked and put on skids that can be loaded on the trailers. All donations, whether cash or needed items, will now be fully tax deductible.

Helping to coordinate this Honduras relief effort, based on an already establish network of contacts with the Honduras, is Dr. Martin Dixon.  

By reaching beyond the organizational boundaries that can limit such relief efforts, Dr. Dixon is able to work with a number of different individuals and groups in the interest of getting the job done.

Working in cooperation with a non-denominational organization, AGAPE Ministries, Dr. Dixon has established working relationships with a variety of Christian groups including a group of Mennonites who have an established Missionary in the Honduras. 

For nearly a decade, Dr. Dixon and AGAPE Ministries have been working to improve the living conditions in the Honduras.  "I started out by trying to address the medical needs, but I quickly realized that I couldn't bring in enough penicillin to offset the effects of the dirty water. That's when we began working seriously on the clean water project."  They were planning the next project when hurricane Mitch hit the Honduras.

Through a series of acquaintances Dixon joined forces with Evans and Toney to try and stimulate relief activity in Central Indiana.  In the December 8th meeting, the three were joined by Art's wife, Jean Evans and five members of the United Church of God including Pastor, Victor Kubik; Elder, Jeff Osborn and his wife, Joan; Board Chairman, Jim Osborn and Treasurer, Sarah Osborn. 

The United Church of God, which currently meets in Terre Haute, has been involved in a number of outreach and relief efforts in the Ukraine and Africa.  When they learned of the Honduras relief effort, they offered their assistance. With that, Hoosiers for Honduras was formed.

"By receiving and disbursing goods and funds for the Honduras relief effort, UCG can offer tax deductible receipts to all contributors" said Treasurer Sarah Osborn, "We have already collected $3,200 towards our first goal of $10,000 for the shipment on December 22.  Once that's done we'll do it all over again, every 60 days until our neighbors in the Honduras are past their crisis."

In addition to sending food and clothing, Hoosiers for Honduras is also sending cash by way of AGAPE Ministries to assist in the purchase of hard goods that are available more economically in the city of San Pedro Sula.

To make a contribution to the Hoosiers for Honduras relief effort, send it to:

        United Church of God
        P.O. Box 476
        Greencastle, Indiana 46135

Mark the memo line of your checks "Honduras Fund".  100% of all donations will go towards goods and aid to be sent directly to the Honduras.

by Joan Osborn


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