A Day in the Mumbwa Area of Zambia
Sunday July 2, 2000
Listen to some of the music of the day!
Arrival in the village of Nalubanda in the Mumbwa region. Only one family had access to a team of oxen that they had rented to help with plowing Anticipation mounts as we all gather View of the settlement of Nalubanda where all the people are UCG members Van Belkum and Banda examine the fire damage All their furniture and clothes went up in smoke Communal kitchen where dinner for all us was being prepared: chicken, antelope, sodza and intestines The final preparations before serving The children were always quick to pose for photos
Making friends The women tended to sit by themselves as did the men Uplifting music praising God Giving sermon. Translation by Apren into the Ilo language, one of 73 Zambian languages and dialects Services The children were extraordinarily quiet Congregational Singing The bicycle parking lot in the village The bagged maize crop The oxen were a hit Kamani Banda with member Armstrong Maninga. His growth needs treatment, but it's a long trip into Lusaka The ever-present Head Man Apren and Grace Momba's family Maxwell and Joyce Kasakabantu Banda and van Belkum with Philemon and Esther Mafohla. Philemon has about 55-57 children. Cash crop cotton The maize crop was just picked from this field
The Mumbwa brethren sang a beautiful good-bye song to us |
Jonathan and Loveness Ndiya with two children, all on one bike come from the other village of Muchabi about 10 miles away. Those without bicycles walked. We came by Land Rover Discovery from Lusaka after a number of obstacles. We were three and a half hours late arriving at 1:30 PM We
were warmly greeted by the families. We were informed that village leader Apren and Grace's home was gutted Friday night, less than 48 hours before our arrival. They lost everything. Maybe we can do something to help them? So did their books and magazines ....including all their Good News magazines Mother and her baby Communal center where we had our meal followed by Church service Meal time Group leader Apren Momba, who had lost his home to fire two nights ago Attentive listeners to the sermon The Head Man from the neighboring settlement came by. Nalubanda is in his jurisdiction Apren Momba leading the service Fellowship after our meeting The bikes are quite used Three leaders: Kamani Banda, Apren Momba, and Maxwell Kasakabantu Our Land Rover gave us countless problems. As we left Nalubanda we discovered our front left was low. A bicycle pump remedied that. The children enjoyed ride by the oxen Armstrong and Mary Maninga and children.
After a wonderful day all head back home The long way home for us back to Lusaka