Malawi - part 2
July 5, 2000
Ground-breaking for new Malakia Clinic and Birthing Center
ground-breaking of the new Malakia Clinic and Birthing
Center on Wednesday, July 5, 2000. We had trouble keeping people
OUT of the picture as witnessed by the exuberant gentleman on
the left. People crowded all around us witnessing the ground-breaking There
were too many of these signs Mr. Chonde consulting mother with child in his consultation office Secretary Leah Mkango ready for the next patient Only two louvers are left at the bottom of window
Gladstone Chonde always in good humor in spite of circumstances Malawian teens Malawian mother with baby...a typical sight Friend of the Chondes, Edison who had lots of questions for us The Chonde's Lilongwe home
White board donated by Tom Kerestes of Wisconsin. This has been an invaluable tool used to help Microsoft classes at the Computer Heights School founded by the Chondes
Gladstone Chonde Typical Malawian woman at the Maize Mill next door to Malakia Clinic This is one of my favorite photos. A mother brings her maize for grinding to the mill
A new beginning!
The front windows of the current Malakia Clinic. Almost all the louvers are gone (stolen). Cold winter breezes blow into the unheated clinic Mrs. Chonde putting her hand through the front window of Malakia Clinic Andre van Belkum in front of Clinic
A new stethoscope, a gift from Joanne Shappard of the Terre Haute United Church of God Alice Chonde
Garden at the Chonde's home. Grass covering is to protect from sun Wall (left) outside Chonde's home and property
In back of home the Chonde's opened office training center called "Computer Heights" where they do typing, teach Microsoft Office and do photocopying
Inside Computer Heights
Diverson Chonde's sister, Gladstone's niece
Sifting the chaff