Malawi - part 3
Thursday, Friday July 6,7 2000
of the central part of Malawi. Capital Lilongwe in the
west. We drove about 80 miles east to Lake Malawi Children were always easy to get to pose for the camera Vic and Trywell
Edwin Chonde, Trywell Nyirongo, Victor Kubik Trywell At the Livingstonia Hotel at Salima on Lake Malawi Awesome scenery at the lake We found a secluded beach for the baptism of Diverson Chonde Baptism of Diverson Chonde by Andre van Belkum and Victor Kubik Coming out of the water Trywell and Edwin and Mark Chonde (who took this picture) were with us for the baptism After the baptism, Diverson, Vic and Trywell
Edwin Chonde Women carrying large loads on their heads Edwin was quite a guide having many special insights into Malawian life Cattle stopping all traffic on the main highway
At Gladstone Chonde's home the evening of July 6th Sam Banda, Alice's brother came by. He is a member of the Malawian Parliament! Shown are brother and sister
Saying good-bye at the Chonde home before leafing for the Lilongwe airport Andre van Belkum and the Chonde's
Malawi with the nation of Mozambique Dr. Trywell Nyirongo, who operates Kasambala Medical Center north of Mzuzu came to visit us in at the Lake on July 6th Lake Malawi
Diverson Chonde
Meshach Chonde
Vervet monkeys
Woman carrying grandchild
We took lots of photos of people between Lilongwe and Salima
On the road
A shopping center
Malawian life Passing a family traveling by bicycle
Mother walking child on road Dried brush was often burned Diverson Chonde Photo sent to us by Mark Chonde of the group of 24 or so in Mzuzu who are interested in the United Church of God Where we rented our car. Car rental is three times more expensive than in the US. The car has many things wrong with it. The Visa/MasterCard symbols mean nothing
Mr. Chonde has shared some of the things we sent with this relief agency Almost every evening the Chonde's gather together and sing. Shown is Mark Chonde with his mother Alice Chonde
Our Air Zimbabwe 727 coming from Nairobi and continuing on to Harare which is our next stop |