On To Malawi - part 1
Tuesday July 4, 2000
As we are about to leave Lusaka, Patrick Langamu (math teacher at the Monze secondary school towards Namibia) and UCG member comes to say hello. He was not able to be with us on the weekend. Our hosts meet us and we pose for photo at the current Malakia Clinic. From left is Dr. Sam Chilopora, Edison, Grace Chilopora, Victor Kubik, Alice Chonde, Andre van Belkum, Gladstone Chonde. "Chipatala" means "clinic" in the Chewa language Alice Chonde at the
receptionist's desk. Sign in clinic: “To have four children is enough even if they are only girls." The picture shows a happy family with four girls Dr. Sam Chilopora (age 72) with wife Estherwho came up on four hour bus ride from Balaka, Malawi to meet with us. He received his medical credentials in eastern France many years ago. They are members of UCG and will be attending the UCG Festival in Harare, Zimbabwe this fall. Dr. Sam Chilopora Alice and Edison We walk between the Chonde's home and the clinic Property just purchased for the new clinic The main street of this business district Vendors along the main business street The Chonde's home about one quarter mile from their clinic One of many chicks on Chonde's property The guard at the Malakia Clinic. That day, however, someone stole the fuse box in the building Back of the clinic Andre van Belkum in Mr. Chonde's office The
Chonde's son Meshach has started a computer school and office service
with the equipment we sent them on the container last year. He
provides computer training, the typing of documents and photocopying
Street vendor selling ground nuts (peanuts)
About to land in Lilongwe Our
Air Malawi aircraft which took us The reception room at Malakia Clinic. Show is Grace Chilopra, Alice Chonde, Sam Chilopra These are the narrow benches people sit on waiting to be seen in the consultation and treatment rooms Close up of waiting room bench. The new clinic will have proper more comfortable chairs Gladstone and Victor at the back of the clinic Alice in wheelchair that was sent from Minneapolis by container
From the reception room, this is the next stop The Chonde's in the tiny treatment room
A photo of all of us on the site where the new Malakia Clinic will be built. The Chonde's were burning off the rubbish on this plot of land Another view of the property just purchased for the clinic View from the back of current Malakia Clinic to where the new clinic will be built The Chonde's new secretary, Leah Mkango. Their former secretary died last year of AIDS along with her husband and two children. Papaya tree on Chonde's property The street where the Chonde's live Meshach Chonde
Lilongwe street