"I can't wait until the time of the report to break the happy news about Linnie's multiplication to you. You remember originally the kind children of Richmond, Virginia donated towards the replacement of one of the LifeNets oxen that died. But instead of an ox, we purchased a heifer and gave it to Mike of Ngilile congregation because this was far away from cattle-diseased areas. Within a year, the heifer produced a female calf."Today, my wife Chosiwe and I celebrated the Sabbath with Ngilile brethren and received the happy news that the calf produced a second calf, a male. This has been passed on to a poor widow in the Church. All three animals appear in the attached photo. Aaron (Dean) was right about the heifer being an excellent investment!"

Also appearing in the background is one of the three borehole donated by LifeNets-Australia in 2019. Not in the photo is another borehole and Church building that have been made possible through assistance from LifeNets International.
Filius and Chosiwe
See also https://lifenets.org/linnie-the-ox/
The information below is from previous information about the "Linnie" project.
From: Beverly Kubik <beverly.kubik@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 2:17 PM
Subject: Fwd: Linnie's calf
To: Kathy Shafer
Dear Kathy Grace, Rhonda and the other adults and children of the Richmond congregation.
Greetings to all of you,
I thought you would enjoy seeing the memo I received today. We are grateful to all of you for your contribution to the "Cows for Kids" program. It looks like they ended up purchasing a heifer as the memo says she may have a calf. I hope that Filius Jere is able to send us some pictures.
I trust everyone is well and that we may soon gather together again as a congregation.
Love from the Kubik's
From: Filius Jere <filius@breezefmchipata.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 7:08 AM
Subject: Linnie's calf
To: Beverly Kubik <beverly.kubik@gmail.com>
Cc: AARON DEAN <aaronkdean@msn.com>
We always have the best regards for continued good health for you, Victor, Aaron and all the brethren. Over here, we continue to move forward here in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like, next Friday, June 12, Chosiwe and I and three deacons and their spouses will travel to Petauke to bless the marriage of young deacon Arnold Phiri who is in charge of Christ's flock at Ngilile village. While there, I may be able to visit Linnie, the heifer. News is that she has given us a female calf. This is excellent news to pass on to the young goodhearts who donated the heifer and I plan to shoot a few photos. I may also be able to give you a beautiful update about Chosiwe's house.