May 2024 LifeNets Shipment to Ukraine from Germany

May 14, 2024

From Vlad Yurishko:

Over the past two years (2023 and 2024), 18 vehicles (vans and trucks) of humanitarian aid have been sent from Germany to Ukraine with LifeNets funding. This is food, hygiene products, clothing and footwear, medicines, antiseptics for wound treatment, medical equipment, mattresses, beds for the disabled and wheelchairs, and other things necessary for life.

May the Lord bless everyone involved in these charitable deeds!  We hope that in this way the command of Jesus Christ is being fulfilled: "For I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you welcomed Me;"  - Matthew 25:35

I am sending you a video showing the period from March to May 2024 and our work.

Today we have loaded this truck and it is on its way to Ukraine, to the Transcarpathian region, to the brothers of The Salvation Church. Later on, the brothers will provide assistance in those regions and institutions where it is most needed.