Novrene G. Dulay
Studying Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at the University of Mindanao, Davao City Philippines,
Novrene writes:
I was born in a family of eight with me being second to the youngest. My father is a hard-working man, a plumber with no permanent employment while my mother stays at home. We live in the city where everything is expensive. Despite all the hard work, my family's income sometimes is just not enough. It even came to a point where my parents decided to borrow money with a gigantic 20% interest just to sustain our needs and schooling. That was our situation for many years.
During my 6th grade, I started to have an interest in computers. I was really fascinated by the things a computer can do. It was in high school when I dreamt of having a degree in IT and work as an IT guy. After finishing high school, with the help of my older siblings, I was fortunate enough to have a taste of college. Just a taste of college because I only enrolled to a 2-year computer course due to financial limitations and other factors. Thankfully, I was able to finish the said course.
After finishing the 2-year computer course, I looked for a job, not being choosy but there's hardly a job that is "friendly" with my educational attainment and also my personal limitations; that is, not working on the Sabbath and the Holy days.

I live in a country where a college degree is considered first, and skills and experience are just second. But I got a job still, in a call center. However, most of the times it requires me to work on the Sabbath. I worked only for a couple of months and then I resigned because of that deal breaker. Getting a college degree is the thing in mind after I resigned. With a college degree, there would be more choices in terms of employment in the field of IT, the ones that would allow day offs on the Sabbath and Holy days. But considering me and my family's current financial limitation, my college schooling really won't be possible. And then came LifeNets, which turned things the other way around...