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Ngilile, Zambia Unsafe Water Hole

Filius just sent this from Ngilile Village in Eastern Zambia.  This is not an uncommon water challenge.   Water from this shrinking pond is the sole water supply for the settlement…including drinking water.  Filius writes: Sir, You may doubt this, but over eighty rural households of Ngilile village and surrounding settlements compete with livestock for water […]

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Zambia – Building of Security Wall and Re-installation of Solar-Powered Water Facility

REPORT OF THE BUILDING OF A SECURITY WALL FENCE AND RE-INSTALLATION OF SOLAR-POWERED WATER FACILITY, UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, aia, CHIPATA, ZAMBIA Background Prior to August 2017, over two hundred rural families in Chipata, eastern Zambia, had no access to clean and safe water for domestic use. Women woke up at cockcrow and travelled long […]

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Paddy’s Graduation in Zambia

On May 31, 2019 Paddy Litaba, a LifeNets student graduated from the Kitwe College of Education Copperbelt in Zambia. She received diploma in Primary Education graduating with second class merit.  She graduated along with 12 others. Paddy writes: “I would to thank The Almighty for bringing you in our lives. A lot of things have […]

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Zimbabwe Food Relief May 2019

I received this report from Mike Mukarati, one of our two Zimbabwean elders on May 25, 2019. He lives in Mutare and serves half of the country. The other half of Zimbabwe is cared for by Mabasa Chichaya who I visited with last month in Blantyre, Malawi. He related the conditions in Zimbabwe and we […]

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From Felicia Talama

We have just returned from our visit to Zambia where there has been a drought and famine conditions.  LifeNets has provided food relief to this area.  Lusaka pastor Nawa Talama’s wife Felicia writes: Hello Bev, I’m delighted to receive a message from you after your tour to African countries. I was really thinking of you.  It […]

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India Sewing Tailoring Training Projected Started

LifeNets contribution to widows in Andhra Pradesh, India Pictures submitted by Joseph Usala Dear loving Pastor David Schreiber and Mrs. Jolinda, Greetings to you in Christ. By the grace of God we have started Sewing Tailoring Training Project in the house where we have small hall and separate room. There are 15 women and young […]

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SOS Chipata!

On January 29, 2019, robbers broke into the Chipata church building.  Chipata, Zambia is Lilongwe, Malawi’s sister congregation located just across the border with whom they have a very close relationship. The perpetrators stole furniture, window coverings that the church ladies had lovingly sewn, and three solar panels. They tried to dig up and steal […]

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Manyinga, Zambia

November 26, 2018  New hall and borehole We just received this information and photos from Derrick and Cherry Pringle in Zambia.   Our LifeNets borehole is in place and working on the property where the local United Church of God building has also been completed.  This makes FOUR congregations and buildings across NW Zambia — the […]

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Natasha Vasilita

I’m bringing back this story of Bev and me caring for an orphan from Moldova. She was brought to the US by Indiana First Lady Judy O’Bannon who arranged for St. Vincent’s hospital and doctors to perform surgeries to correct serious congenital problems. Natasha’s nurse and Natasha lived with us during this time and we […]

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