June 24, 2022
A note of thanks from Paul Moody about the fulfilment of the Ghana Tractor Project that LifeNets was happy to facilitate:
Hello friends and supporters of the Ghana tractor project!
I have good news. After a lengthy period of searching through used tractors, we have recently purchased a decent unit for use by the Yeji congregation in central Ghana. It is a Massy Ferguson 178 diesel tractor with a 3 point plow / disk implement. Upon inspection by a professional mechanic, the tractor was found to be in good working order with plenty of life expectancy.
Most of the members of the Yeji congregation are farming families. This tractor will help them to substantially increase their crop production from year to year. To date, much of their tilling and harvesting work has been done by hand. This limits the amount of ground they are able to put into production. Also, there is a good business return to be made by hiring out to others in the community by offering plowing, disking and crop harvesting services. This tractor will benefit both the individual members, as well as the local church congregation's financial standing.
Due to your generous support there were enough funds available to purchase the tractor and plow, handle a few tune-up related repairs and transport the unit to Yeji. The members were also able to built a secure shelter to store it within a gated compound. A small amount of funds remain for the purchase of an additional implement or two, as well as some routine maintenance to help the brethren get started. Ultimately, this is intended to be a self-supporting project with funds being set aside for the tractor's upkeep as income from its use is generated.
I have attached several pictures of the tractor after it was delivered into the possession of our local church leader in Yeji. I hope to have some pictures of it in action shortly.
Thank you once again for your support of our brethren in Yeji, Ghana. Your generosity is very much appreciated!
Warm regards,
Paul Moody
Senior Pastor ~ English Speaking West Africa