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Please Help us with Ukraine Crisis Now

Education, Food Security, Water, Orphans, Agriculture, Cattle, Livelihood, Habitat, Wheelchairs, Clinics, Schools and much more….



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LifeNets Ukraine Emergency Fund

People are asking us how they can help victims of the barbaric actions of Russia on the Ukrainian people.   We have been working with the Ukrainian people for more than 30 years.  We have helped them spiritually and economically. We have traveled to Ukraine countless times and know and love many people there. We have […]

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March 20,2022 Thank you for joining us in this fundraiser for a bus in Mufulira, Zambia United Church of God congregation!  It will be similar to this ROSA 28-seater which will be used to weekly transport people to and from Church services.  It will also be used to transport people to and from other activities […]

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March 6 First-hand War Conversations Today

Ukraine - Please Help Now

With my cousin Victor Krygin I spoke with my cousin Victor in Kharkiv. Also to Mission Nazareth director Victor Pavliy as well as Ivan Yurishko in Khust. The tragic war in Ukraine continues doing what wars do: kill and destroy.  That is what happening now in the biggest military action since World War II in […]

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March 5 Ukraine War Report From Khust

News from Khust in Western Ukraine My chief contact in Khust is Ivan Yurishko who I first met in 1992 in the neighboring village of Rokosova.  We have been friends for more than 30 years. His son Vlad was a student at ABC in 2018.  Vlad has returned to Ukraine and is now married. I […]

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March 4, 2022 Ukraine Report From Chernihiv

What’s Happening in Ukraine Today? On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Masses of people are now displaced, casualties mount as we all watch in horror. LifeNets International is committed to helping with the mounting humanitarian crisis. We are delivering resources to a few different places where they will be properly used. I have visited […]

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