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Malawi Mwai Graduation!

Mwai Tseka, who lives in Lilongwe, Malawi, has operated a pre-shool.   Mwai had been part of our LifeNets Developing Nations Scholarship Fund.  She held a graduation on March 26, 2021 .  You will enjoy seeing these children celebrating!   Mwai states the following: 20 kids got graduated last December to start Year One at different Schools. […]

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India Report July 29, 2021

July 26, 2021     India has suffered serious Covid-19 disruptions this past year.  In early May 2021, we let you know about the great need for aid.  That report is at the end of this pictorial report by V. Srikanth in Andhra Pradesh, India.  We thank you for support.   -Victor Kubik   From V. […]

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LifeNets Wheelchair Project Update with 2020 report

The LifeNets Wheelchair Project (https://lifenets.org/wheelchair) has been in continuous existence since 1999.  It is currently managed by Michael Kubik who writes this report:  In 2020, the LifeNets Wheelchair Project was able to help those suffering from MS, paralysis, COPD, etc. by transferring wheelchairs and other medical devices all over the US. We had another record year […]

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New Graduations from the Philippines and Malawi

The LifeNets Developing Nations Scholarship Program has helped over a thousand young people since it’s inception in 2001 when we started in Guatemala and El Salvador.  We have had tremendous outcomes in the changed lives that change communities.  Some have become doctors, dentists, accountants, teachers, computer technicians, mechanics, journalists and much more.  Here are just […]

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First Scholarship Graduation from Isoka, Zambia

Fridah Kabangula graduated with merit in a Secondary Teachers Diploma in December 2020. She has made us proud.  She is the first student to graduate from Isoka.  We indeed indebted to LifeNets, Madam Beverly. We are very thankful for your constant support and help. God bless you and the team. Alfred Siame Pastor   Isoka is […]

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Wheelchair story from Annual Report

Posted originally on November 2020 https://lifenets.org/wheelchair http://lifenetswheelchairproject.org In 2019, Lifenets Wheelchair Project was able to help those suffering from MS, paralysis, COPD, etc by transferring wheelchairs and other medical devices all over the US. We had a record year in matches which totaled 111. We were fortunate enough that a medical center in Twin Falls, […]

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