April 18 Ukraine War Report

April 18, 2022 Here are some news tidbits that have not been posted or were just briefly featured on Facebook.  I thank all of you for helping support our efforts through your generous contributions.  The people who are helped thank you for not abandoning them.  We are working with three areas and have almost daily […]

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A Conversation With God

Dealing with the anguish of the war in Ukraine.  An extended relative of mine, Tatiana (my cousin Victor’s daughter-in-law’s brother’s wife) sent this most inspiring essay from western Ukraine. She left Kyiv, Ukraine with her 6-month-old son Glib to get away from the rockets and mortars. She left with my cousin Victor and settled with […]

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April 10 with Refugees in Khust, Ukraine

We have been friends with our Transcarpathian brothers in western Ukraine since 1991, the year that Ukraine became an independent country.  We have helped with education, youth camps, street children, medical, dental, and more.  We have traveled there many times since. Now, the people in this area who live close to the borders of Romania, […]

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LifeNets Ukraine Emergency Fund

People are asking us how they can help victims of the barbaric actions of Russia on the Ukrainian people.   We have been working with the Ukrainian people for more than 30 years.  We have helped them spiritually and economically. We have traveled to Ukraine countless times and know and love many people there. We have […]

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