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Education, Food Security, Water, Orphans, Agriculture, Cattle, Livelihood, Habitat, Wheelchairs, Clinics, Schools and much more….



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Sewing Machines for Kasumpa and Nalubanda South in Zambia

July 24, 2022 We are happy to provide items to help people in this manner: sewing machines in this case.   Jonathan Litaba expresses gratitude: On the behalf of Mtendere and Mumbwa United Church of God congregations we greatly thank you our area Ministry for what you do to us, let Godly blessings be upon you. […]

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LifeNets Scholarship Statistics for 2021

July 21, 2022 The LifeNets Developing Nations Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 and has operated continuously since.  It has provided young people the opportunity to gain a skill, vocation, or profession that they would not have had.  We are preparing our 2021 Annual Report and thought you may be interested in seeing these statistics.  […]

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Water in Zimbabwe!

July 20, 2022 LifeNets has wanted to drill a borehole in Gokwe, Zimbabwe for some time and has been delayed and previously a drilling attempt was unsuccesful.  But, on July 19, 2022 we found water!    This borehole will serve a community of 100 people. Here is a report from senior pastor Lewis VanAusdle: Water […]

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Indianapolis Rotary Club Presentation by Victor Kubik

  ROTARY WELCOMES VICTOR KUBIK, FOUNDER, LIFENETS INTERNATIONAL, JULY 19 Join us Tuesday to hear from Victor Kubik the Founder of LifeNets International. A little over 20 years ago, Victor founded LifeNets specifically to help children victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Since then, LifeNets has raised and sent more than $1 million to support […]

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